The Performer, Teacher and Researcher Barbara Lüneburg was awarded major grants for her researching practice: Her artistic research project TransCoding (funded by the Austrian Science Fund) explored social media and their potential to interest and engage a young audience for the new arts. The Innovationsfonds Kunst Baden Württemberg, Germany funded the project Zukunftswerkstatt Trossingen which she conceptualized while being a Professor for Digital Performance at the music University Trossingen. She was a main researcher in the artistic research project GAPPP-Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice (funded by the Austrian Science Fund) in which she explored agencies of instrumental performers in audiovisual artworks with game structure. Her doctoral research on the topic of "A holistic view of the creative potential of performance practice in contemporary music" included theoretical and practical work on creativity and collaboration, programming, and concert aura. For this research alone she commissioned almost 30 new solo and chamber music works for violin, viola and electric violin in the years 2008 to 2010. Barbara Lüneburg holds a professorship for Artistic Research at Anton Bruckner Private University, Austria where she is also head of the doctoral programmes. She has given workshops, talks and seminars at major European, Asian and American universities and has been invited for master courses at the European Orchestra Academy, the Chiffren ensemble Schleswig Holstein (Germany) and the International Summer Academy of the Music University Vienna, Austria.